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Earth Day 2021

Updated: May 13, 2021

Being eco-conscious is about taking small steps that go a long way. These small changes can help protect the planet for future generations.

What is particularly amazing about becoming eco-friendly is that you end up making big savings for your household. While passing on good values to your children.

There are many ways that we can make a contribution to reducing our family's carbon footprint. My top 10 tips are below:

  1. Stop using plastic disposable bags and switch to using reusable bags

  2. Start using reusable water bottles and stop buying plastic disposable bottles

  3. Turn off your lights and heating when you leave a room

  4. Unplug your chargers when you finish charging your devices and using your appliances

  5. Air dry your laundry

  6. Reduce food waste by saving left overs

  7. Donate any unwanted toys, books, clothes and furniture to your local charity shop, family and friends. Or sell the items on Ebay, Shpock or Vinted

  8. Switch to online banking and opt for online bank statements

  9. Shop local and try your local farmer's market

  10. Walk or ride a bike to carry out errands in your local area

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